Protege GX

Protege GX, developed by Integrated Control Technology (ICT), is an enterprise-level integrated access control, intrusion detection, and building automation solution. It offers a user-friendly interface designed to simplify complex security operations, making it suitable for organizations of varying sizes. 

Key Features:
• Integrated Access Control and Intrusion Detection: Protege GX combines access control and intrusion detection into a single platform, enhancing security and operational efficiency. 
• Building Automation: The system integrates building automation capabilities, allowing for centralized control of various building functions, contributing to energy efficiency and streamlined operations. 
• Scalability: Its modular design and scalable licensing model make Protege GX adaptable, from small single-door systems to large multinational corporations. 
• Graphical Floor Plans: Provides visual representations of sites through graphical floor plans, aiding in monitoring and management. 
• Web Client Access: With a web client that operates on any device with a modern web browser, users can monitor and control their sites remotely, enhancing flexibility and responsiveness. 

Protege GX’s comprehensive feature set and ease of integration make it a robust solution for organizations seeking to enhance their security infrastructure while maintaining operational simplicity.
